Tuesday, October 7, 2014

IM & Texting Etiquette

So your workplace has decided to use IM (instant messaging) and texting as a way to communicate more effectively. Fantastic! This will make conversations with your cube mate much easier, as well as the co-worker who telecommutes and is working on a project with you right now.

But not so fast there. There are a few things you should know before you start IMing your fellow employees.

Know the person you're IMing! A general rule is that if you haven't met in person, don't IM them. Even a quick phone call is preferable the first time you talk to someone before you start IMing. After you've established a rapport, feel free to IM.

Start with a short greeting. Offer a quick hello or hi and ask if they're available or if it's a good time for them. Starting off with your question from the get go is abrupt and shows the other party a lack of respect for their time. Also try to keep your message short and sweet. If you need to elaborate, e-mail might be a better format for your query.

The next one is a very important one. Be very careful when using abbreviations while texting or IMing someone. While BRB (be right back) or NP (no problem) may be appropriate, abbreviations like ROTFLMAO, LOL and U (you) may not be appropriate when conversing with a boss or higher up. Another thing to consider is that some people might not know some abbreviations that you use.

Another thing not to do is change meeting times or places via IM or text. The person meeting you may not check their IM before heading to the meeting. In this instance, it's much better to give the other parties a quick call to let them know what's going on. And always end a conversation or someone answering a question with a thank you. A little common courtesy goes a long way!

Finally, in regard to personal IM's, know your company's policy regarding them before engaging in them. If they're okay, don't waste your day on personal IM's. Keep it to a minimum or to your break times.

Etiquette aside, I found this video and thought it was quite amusing. It's actually a good way of knowing what's acceptable and what's not. You wouldn't say "heeeeeeey" to a co-worker face to face, so why would you do it over IM? Pay particular attention to the woman asking a 'quick question'.

I'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas about etiquette in the workplace. What do you find annoying when it comes to IMing at work? What do you think about this video? Share your comments below!

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